Quixel Bridge is a fantastic tool.. when it works that is. Unfortunatley when using it for Blender or Maya, or most any software from my experience it isn’t exactly a straightforward process. In theory it should be, but it just hasn’t been for me. When exporting I’m often met with API errors or it says it exported successfully - yet I see nothing in my 3d application. Here you will find solutions to some of these issue I have been experiencing over the last number of years.

API Error:

If you get this error(red) pop up when exporting, it’s typically due to the API port code being incorrect relative to the software you are trying to export to. From my experience when exporting to Blender it needs to be 28888 and when exporting to Maya it needs to be 13291. To change this go to Bridge>Settings>API Port(input box) - Mac. To be safe once you adjust this, close Bridge and Maya or Blender and then open them again. You should no longer see the export error after you do this.

Still Nothing:

Once you’ve updated the API port to be correct relative to the software you’re using, you then need to make sure the Mega Scans plugin can be installed with your software(MS plugins). For Blender you need to manually move the startup folder into your latest Blender version folder found here: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Blender. Here’s a tutorial on youtube of how to resolve the issue for Blender - https://youtu.be/81kEUfQZexQ?si=rLZ_xwmBAX2JcB4E


Blender | Command Buffer error