Demo Reel | 2011(School)

All of the pieces within my reel were created fully by myself. Castle: Created in the Unreal Engine. Assets made in Maya. Topogun and xnormal were also used. Camera moves were done in the Unreal Matinee. High resolution objects were made in Zbrush. Phone: Completely done in Maya with minimal post in Fusion and After Effects. Flying Car: Created in Maya. Render passes used; diffuse material color, direct irradiance, indirect irradiance, reflection, specular, normalCam, mv2DToxik, and a matte. I rendered out the ao on a separate layer. Post was done in Fusion and some in After Effects as well. Suiting Up: This was a school assignment done in Maya. The model was supplied. There were an assortment of the above passes used. We had to texture, animate, and light the scene as well rotoscope out the feet from provided green screen footage and then comp them in to match.


Fern Practice


Bill The Monster | 2011(School Project)