The Shelby Returns

This piece was done largely to migrate over the Shelby car model I did a few years back in Maya with Renderman for use in Blender. I used Blender and Megascans for this(Cycles to render). Also decided to do a couple different light options to illustrate the use of a back/side vs. front/side light and how you can isolate the subject with both methods.

  1. Front/Side - I used a gobo/blocker shape off camera(made a cube) to cast a shadow onto the building behind the car to create seperation, keeping the car in the sunlight.

  2. Back/Side - By the nature of this light direction it by default can do a great job at creating seperation. It’s largely dependant on the relative position of the subject to the background. It can often create a rim light on the subject when leaving the background in shadow helping the subject pop off the background.


Remote Start


Waiting for the Whisper